Robbert-Jan specializes in both collective actions and resolving complex commercial disputes. He is involved in proceedings with both national and international contexts, and also before the district courts, the court of appeals, and the Enterprise Chamber (Ondernemingskamer) within the Netherlands. He represents clients in mediation and arbitration (such as NAI, ICC and SGOA).
Robbert-Jan gained extensive experience in, among other things, negotiating settlement agreements, litigating in summary proceedings, levying conservatory attachments, and enforcing judgments.
Before joining Milberg, Robbert-Jan worked for more than ten years in the litigation department of Baker McKenzie. During this period, he gained extensive experience in assisting clients in a variety of contractual disputes. He also worked for more than five years as a clerk in the commercial law section of the Amsterdam District Court. He worked closely with various judges, attended numerous hearings and witness hearings, and he was involved in drafting judgments.
Robbert-Jan also worked for several months as a corporate in-house lawyer during a secondment in the legal team of ASICS’ European headquarters. In this role, Robbert-Jan made strategic decisions, monitored pending proceedings, and advised the board of directors on a variety of legal matters.
During his studies, besides corporate law, Robbert-Jan also specialized in consumer law and conducted research into European regulations aimed at strengthening the position of the consumer.
As a Milberg attorney, Robbert-Jan can effectively protect consumers against corporate wrongdoing in collective actions (WAMCA proceedings).
An overview of cases which Robbert-Jan has assisted with:
– WAMCA litigation
– General contract law disputes
– Termination of duration agreements (agency, franchise, distribution)
– M&A disputes
– Director liability
– Inquiry proceedings (enqueteprocedures)
– Shareholders’ disputes
– IT disputes, such as failed IT-implementations
– Fraud cases (CEO fraud, fake invoices)
– Disciplinary law (complaints against lawyers and notaries)
– Bankruptcy law
– Tendering law
Robbert-Jan has registered the following principal legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister): general civil law (algemene praktijk, burgerlijk recht). Based on this registration, he is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.