Milberg Amsterdam is a Dutch litigation firm
Representing consumers in collective actions
Assisting in corporate dispute resolution
Milberg Amsterdam brings groups together and specializes in collective actions under the Dutch WCAM and WAMCA regimes
Assisting corporate clients in commercial disputes
Milberg Amsterdam specializes in resolving complex commercial disputes, by mediation, in arbitration proceedings and before the ordinary courts. The office assists clients in all sorts of contractual disputes and disputes regarding the company, such as shareholder disputes and directors' liability.

Standing up against corporate wrongdoing
Milberg has more than 50 years of experience in the US and internationally with collective redress claims, including both opt-in and opt-out style mass actions. The unique cooperation between Milberg Amsterdam, Milberg in the US, and the various European Milberg offices ensures that consumers can stand up against corporate wrongdoing in a powerful and efficient manner in Dutch collective actions (WAMCA proceedings).